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Falchi 29

55 المشاهدات

⁣Reng HD TV – Dramai Arabi Misri Falchi 29 Dramaiaky Drami u Komidiya paxsh krawa la sali 2013, ba bashdadry roly saraky Adel Emam،Hussein Fahmy، Talaat Zakaria، Sherine.
Kanali Reng TV Group ba zmani kurdi Sorani la 2024 pashi krdwa. Falchy. درامای فاڵچی

A crook manages to evade capture for a long time as he switches between various identities that make it difficult for the police to catch him. As he is finally caught by the police officer who has spent his life chasing him, both of them are changed forever by a series of events.

Genre: Drama, Comedy, War
Director: Ramy Emam (Director) Ahmed Gamal
Writer: Youssef Maaty
Cast: Adel Emam, Hussein Fahmy, Talaat Zakaria, Sherine, Ahmed Falawkas, Rasha Mahdy, Magdy Badr, Othman Mohamed Ali, Youssef Fawzy, Nehal Anbar, Riham Ayman,Hassan El Adl
Release Date: Egypt [10 July 2013]
Language: Arabic
Country: Egypt
Episodes: 30 episodes

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