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Chall2 159 کۆتایی
Kurd Max Show Tv
KurdMax Tv Show – Dramai Chall2 159 کۆتایی Sorani dramay Chall dramaiaki Sharamez Dramay.
Dramay Chall bashy 2
Kanali Kurd Max Show ba hardw zaraway Sorani u Badini peshkashy akat 2018.
Çukur is the Turkish television series that Ay Yapım undertakes to produce, starring Aras Bulut and Dilan Çiçek Deniz.
The first part was published on October 23, 2017.
Yamaç Koçovalı, a young man in his own right, meets Sena one day and gets married in Paris within 3 days.
The same week the Abigail Hero Koçoval is killed by the men of Vartolu and Hillary’s father Idris Koçovan is felcated and the intense glance is lifted. Yamaç’s mother is Sultan Koçoval, and he tells Yamaç what happened. The slope returns to the house to get revenge from Vartolu.
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یهكێك تێم گهیهنێ چۆن له ئهلقهی یهكهمی وهرزی دووهم سهیر بكهم ئهلقهی دووهم نیشان نادات
Barezm bashi 3 tkaya
Twxw twxwa twxwa warzakane tr da anen yan na
bra .handak alqa haya bo dai nanen bo nmuna .. hargiz waznahenm .. gule rash .. Zor mawa ...?
bra Qsa lagal kurdmax show bkan Bzana doblazh dakan yan na ..?